Waste water treatment

Eliquo. Abgeleitet aus dem Lateinischen, steht unser Name im weiteren Sinne für die Begriffe Reinigen, Klären oder Filtrieren.

Realisation of the entire WWTP

In close cooperation with our sister company ELIQUO STULZ (www.eliquostulz.com) we provide turn-key plants for treatment of sewage and sludge.

Our gained references and outstanding knowledge and experience in the fields sewage and sludge treatment will guarantee the performance of our products and technologies in the entire public waste water and water utility sector.

Common provided waste water treatment techniques

Our capacities perfectly fit’s for:

  • Primary treatment of sewage, including sand and fat removal;
  • Aerobic and Anaerobic biological treatment;
  • Membrane bioreactors and tertiary treatment;
  • Sludge thickening and dewatering;
  • Sludge digestion including cogeneration of heat and electricity;
  • Sludge receipt and disposal facilities;
  • Sludge drying based in low temperature drying concepts;
  • CHP systems and biogas treatment.

We realize our projects with the following capacities:

  • Own production of components and installation parts;
  • Own employees for on-site erection and installation;
  • Own production of electrical switchboards, control panels and energy distribution systems;
  • In house developed process control, automation and visualization concepts.