Driven by autonomous growth, SH+E Nederland BV was founded in June 2012 as an independent company within the German SH+E Group. Currently we are operating under the name of ELIQUO WATER & ENERGY BV and are a full daughter company of the new ELIQUO WATER GROUP.
The fundaments of our company are laid by Mr. Bernard Stulz, who founded the company Stulz ELEKTROTECHNIK GmbH. Short after its establishment, many German Waterboards became customer. A strong growth of the company resulted in strengthening the operations with help of Bernard’s sister Marianne Buchmüller-Stulz and his brother Martin and the establishment of the SH+E Group in 2004.
Nowadays the activities of the former SH+E Group in the municipal water sector are continued by the ELIQUO WATER GROUP, owned by SKion GmbH. SKion is a German equity investor, owned by Mrs. Susanne Klatten, aiming at long term investments in technology driven companies. SKion is a shareholder, amongst others, of Altana AG (specialty chemicals), SGL Carbon SE (material sciences), Nordex SE (wind energy), EnviroChemie GmbH (industrial water treatment) and Avista Oil AG (recycling of used oil products). In the Netherlands SKion is a shareholder of Paques BV (water treatment) and Evodos BV (high end separation technology).
ELIQUO Water & Energy is focused on the Dutch municipal water sector and provides multi-technology concepts for the energy self-sufficient treatment of sewage and sludge as well recovery of valuable nutrients. Besides our focus on the Dutch market, we are exporting our knowledge and experiences to other countries which are demonstrating same developments in terms of water – sludge – energy and nutrients as in the Netherlands. Amongst others we are actively approaching new markets in Europe and South East Asia.